Vernita Bashe’s RAW Artists Experience in Ventura CA

“Attending countless art shows and gallery openings in my life, I can say that RAW is a true celebration of creativity and individuality. The mainstream art world can be intimidating for an artist with an unfamiliar style or practice, but through showing with RAW I have realized that nothing is out of my reach. I have not only gained exposure for my work, but also some really cool friends. Thank You RAW!”
-Vernita Bashe // Artist
More of Vernita’s work can be seen at



Alan Ballinger’s RAW Artists Experience in Ventura CA

“I can’t say enough how positive my experience with RAW has been. My first show transformed me from a fledgling photographer into an artist with much more confidence in his work, and also fueled much of the drive I have today.  The RAW community has a wealth of talented and dedicated artists, but it’s more than that. The support I have received and the friendships I have gained have made my experience with RAW Artists life changing. I’m both humbled and proud to be a part of RAW, and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to be a part of another show.”
-Alan Ballinger // Photographer
Alan on Facebook

Holly Singer’s RAW Artists Experience in Ventura CA

“Before I became a RAW artist, I wasn’t sure how to navigate the art world, how to display pieces, or really the first thing about marketing my artwork. RAW gave me the opportunity to show my art to hundreds of interested people and motivated and inspired me to create new pieces. RAW allowed me to meet other brilliant artists and art enthusiasts in the community. Through this experience, I have learned so much about what is is to be a professional artist and am so thankful to RAW for promoting the underground!”

-Holly Singer // Artist


More info on Holly Singer at
Check out Holly’s artwork on Facebook!

RAW Ventura Presents: EnMasse on 8/15/2013


Check out more info on all of the showcasing artists and purchase tickets to this month’s event at



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